The AE86 sees Daylight for the first time. - Juiceboxforyou

The AE86 sees Daylight for the first time.

At the time, I didn’t realise just how important this day would be. In well over three years, the ae86 hadn’t seen the light of day on its wheels. After we fitted the engine and box, we decided to push the car over to Flips to fit the manifold, sort a Flexi pipe and do the exhaust.

Pushing the car over, I couldn’t help but smile, seeing the dream wheel on a mad max looking full exposed chassis. It looked like a shit heap, but the potential was starting to show.

After we sorted out the manifold, a few of our friends showed up, and we pushed the car outside to join the “finished” projects outside.

Someday the car should be a shiny pearl, worthy of joining the rest of the lads on a drive or to an event. Until then, I have these pictures to tease.