A VIP JZX81 From The Golden Era - Juiceboxforyou

A VIP JZX81 From The Golden Era

How cool is this JZX81? Our friend Rob imported this last summer for a customer, and he called down once it was on the road. I was floored when I saw it in real life. The car is a time capsule from the millennium era of VIP culture.

Check those exhaust tips and the hot hearts sticker under the right tail light.

Or this excellent steering wheel; this car is an absolute gem; I’m very jealous, if I’m being honest.

Im a sucker for old stickers, and this back window vinyl excited me.

It was the perfect evening for this paint scheme.

The reflections with this were like nothing else. I am pretty sure this is a Wald kit; on paper, this x81 MK II would sound weird, and even in the auction photos, the lads were unsure, but seeing slammed in the summer sun, it has to be one of the most unique examples I have ever seen. It’s a shame we didn’t make a video on it.