Paddy and his Bride Wedding Dream - Juiceboxforyou

Paddy and his Bride Wedding Dream

It was an honour to be part of Paddy’s mission to rebuild the Yuasa AE86 and bring it to his wedding; the determination amongst a group of friends to achieve the dream was utterly infectious. Here are a few behind-the-scenes photos from the few months leading up to the wedding, both at the lad’s workshop and on the big day; as always with these, ill let the photos do most of the talking.


What a menacing-looking front end; it’s incredible that the hood and other bits like the wing were still alive to complete the look.

Another shell was outside waiting for love; this was up at MR X’s house the day we collected the radios.

The first shots outside! That colour is something else.

As cool as it looks now with the liver, I loved the naked green look. Very similar to its original unveiling at Auto Salon back in 2002.

The Dori meshes against the green; what a combo.

Paddy is fortunate to own two beautiful AE86s with a great back story; here is his RYO AE86 Levin.

The first few days, we called up when it was sitting in primer; I was amazed to see it even get this far; you can see the original door in the corner.

The SR20 is looking at home in it.

How cool is that boot lid? The original signature from Yuasa, what a piece to hang on the wall.

The original colour on the wing blade is too pretty epic.

Paddy was lovely enough to gift me this 1/4 panel; ill keep this little bit of history forever.

A few shots from the morning of the meetup, this is an original Irish sold one of 52. AE86s, I believe.

What a lineup to have for the wedding.

You have got to love the plate they had for him!

What a great line up!

Arguably too of the most incredible wedding cars ever.

A day I’ll never forget; I’m honoured the lads asked me to tag along and document one of the most incredible car-related experiences. A car fuelled group of friends, helping out a mate to achieve his dream for his special day, that’s what it’s all about!