Barry Finished the AE86's Rear Arches - Juiceboxforyou

Barry Finished the AE86’s Rear Arches

I could watch Barry forever working on this car and others, working with metal has always fascinated me and it’s been an absolute blast watching him figure things out with this car and slowly remove all the misery. It’s mad to think it’s over a year since I shot these photos, the last few weeks before the car went for paint, Barry devoted his weekends to calling down and wrapping up the flared arch work on the Trueno. I divided that work into four episodes one for each arch as I loved having Barry on the videos chatting shit and showing us how he does it. I’ll leave these photos to speak for themselves, someone might appreciate how he does it, a dying craft, very much on a dying platform, a blog post!

Shed scenes from last year, not a whole lot has changed but some cars have come and gone.

The number of nights I’ve sat here is corny as fuck but honestly, it’s been a lot of nights after Barry has left, just staring at the potential.

It looked real good here with the fresh rear arches, sitting right all around on those longchamps.

I can’t wait to look back on these photos in many years to come when the car has been painted for a long time. I am very grateful I’ve been able to document this and showcase it to the world.