Painting The Cam Cover and Sorting The Bmw - Juiceboxforyou

Painting The Cam Cover and Sorting The Bmw

Here are a few photos from the night we installed the cam cover and the pulleys, a vision I had for this for a long time I was curious to see if it would work out.

I was very surprised with the paint match to the Anodised Today Pulley it looks decent.

We black-backed the head, to mimic the look of a 16-valve, trying to make this look as analogue as possible.

This is a nice combo on the eyes.

Black paint fixes everything, the joy of refreshing parts is it makes other bits look awful.

This is a pretty bad photo but it seems to be the only one we took that evening to appreciate the finished product. We left the belt off as we were fitting cams the following day.

I love the contrast from the love and care of the 86 to the absolute misery of the BMW.

Plenty of sad faces with this car but looking back it really paid off. The car looks and feels great these days and we drove the shit out of it at a few of the DG bashes, Mission complete.

Always nice to throw fresh parts into a crusty old machine. This stuff made a world of difference.

More on this little beauty in a few months.