Buying Nightride an AE86 - Juiceboxforyou

Buying Nightride an AE86

This was such a fun experience. Sam from Nightride reached out and asked me to help him find an AE86. He told me it had been his dream car for a long time and that they were scarce in Poland, so naturally, I had to help out. I, too, share the love for these cars and know what it’s like to chase the dream, so I went looking, and this popped up for the right price, exceptionally cheaper than the market value.

You’ve probably seen the videos by now as Im playing catch-up with the content, but I did this little shoot after we cleaned it up as photos I could send to Sam to get him excited about the purchase. On a rare winter sunny day, I took the car to the end of our business park and grabbed these photos, which I’ll leave below. The Trueno is such a charming little car, and this thing inspired me to get cracking with my build.