A wild adventure to Dorifest - Juiceboxforyou

A wild adventure to Dorifest

Here is a massive photo dump from Dorifest last June. Dorifest is arguably one of the most excellent drift events in the world, and it’s very underrated. It’s such a simple formula that places in the US have adopted with Finalbout or halfway hangs in AUs, get some good-looking cars together to do some skids, like a rolling show. We took the plunge to drift land in Scotland to see Josh throw his car about amongst people we were happy to meet in real life. Most of you have seen the video from this event, so please fill in the blanks with the images. It’s a 10/10 trip that we would happily make again. Sadly, there are no hot tub photos from this trip for anyone looking anywhere in the photo dump. Enjoy.