racing Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Juiceboxforyou

Random Juice:Honda

Check the new HSV-010 GT(the new nsx that will probably never see production) in action with some livery on the side. This car lookes mean as fuck in black but in these pictures i dunno how to feel. Still a serious machine thought and a shame its never going into production.

Japfest 09

The rain was pretty fucking heavy on the day which was a shame. The only real thing i can remember from it was magoo trying out for the photographers and posing pretty smooth. haha

Good shit.

Definitely a better job hahaha

Yeah its new.

Hey. The sites up. its simple and stuff and kind of blank for now. I’m just going to start chucking stuff up each day so be sure to check back.
Ive got some pics up on my computer from the last year that i am going to stick here of track days events etc.
Here’s a few from a track day in Mondello in 09

Track ef

Nice r8 that was racing on the track day!

Lining up to go out

Dc5 chasing an ek

Sun setting on an ek chasing an impreza.