Random Juice: FAILBOX - Juiceboxforyou

Random Juice: FAILBOX

The site maxed out the other day at 3120 views the other day and ended up using the entire month of September server space. This sucked because once you go over that, you are not allowed to access the site or even update it. I really underestimated how many people would check the site out and at the same time as being a bad thing that it maxed out its also pretty damn cool. Thanks to everyone who comes and checks the site out each day, its the reason we do this. Funds were tight so its taken a little longer then expected but we are back on our feet again and id just like to say thanks to everyone who likes or dislikes Juicebox because it started off as something minute, but its growing monthly. Hopefully it will continue to grow, hopefully more people can have their car up on the site for others to see and all that jazz,

Check back later for some proper updates.
Now go an enjoy bangs and his incredible music skills and lyrical madness for the movies…….