Misery and Joy at LZ Fest - Juiceboxforyou

Misery and Joy at LZ Fest

LZ Fest last year was a real eye-opener; we live in a bubble at the shed and rarely make it our thing to go to car events. The Drift games lads had organised LZ fest; it was the first time we had seen such a crowd. It shows how times have changed, and social media characters bring more of an experience than the usual drivers and professional car people.

Our weekend started with a bit of proper misery, with Josh blowing his gearbox at 5.40 in the morning after spending all his time getting the car ready for the event. Either way, LZ Fest was a real eye-opener; it made us realise what sort of following Juicebox has, putting faces to YouTube views and comments.

I’ll let the photos talk here with a sizeable photo gallery from the event. Indeed, one to remember, Ireland is a fantastic place to enjoy cars when the weather works out.