Photos Unboxed: Seam Sealing the Shell. - Juiceboxforyou

Photos Unboxed: Seam Sealing the Shell.

It’s incredible looking back over these photos the past few months, seeing how far we have come with the build as I’m writing this, its just over four years of owning this project. Time has flown by.

This photo set is from the weekend where I conned Josh into helping build the spit, something we should have done at the very start of the build and not toward the end of the metalwork!

Jackie was calling down to seal the bottom of the car, the 86 didn’t even receive any treatment like this from the factory, so it should last a little longer. The idea was to brush sealer into the seams on the bottom, and the entire base of the car would eventually get a spray sealer to ensure the Trueno can withstand miserable Irish weather.

We were a little nervous trying the spit out for the first time and chucked some tyres underneath; I have to hand it to Josh. He’s a legend for sorting out the angles and nailing this thing pretty much first ty.

It was nice to see the bottom of the shell up close. I was happy to see the primer had held up this long.



The next night Jackie called up to patiently brush the seam sealer anywhere there was a seam and a chance for p9tental moisture. As this example was sold in Japan, Toyota didn’t bother using a sealer on the shell except for the wheel arches, so this should be more than enough.

We sat around and watched how therapeutic it looked, brushing cream stuff around the bottom of the car. Jackie was a natural, again. As I’ve mentioned in a few o these articles, I’d be lost without the friends I’ve had helping me on this build.


Let’s hope this thing last another few years after this sort of treatment!

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