Photos Unboxed: Shed Scenes With a Pinch of Barry - Juiceboxforyou

Photos Unboxed: Shed Scenes With a Pinch of Barry

A flashback to the time Barry called down to work on Adrian’s Carina, this was the day we shot the photo of Barry’s head for the sticker we ended up making inspired by the Boss coffee logo.

Barry brought his Darth Vader mask to do a bit of welding, I love days like this in the shed, and I’m looking forward to more of them over the next year. It’s great having like-minded immature mates around; we all keep each other in check.

This was Pre bus insertion to the shed too, Reuben was letting Adrian use the space to fix the common rot issue in these cars.

The car was mint other than this spot where moisture likes to hang out, 82000Kms from new, pretty impressive for a car from the early eighties.

This is the photo that we turned into the Barry sticker.

An ideal welding mask!

Later that evening, Flip has just put the finishing touches on the EX BN Sports S13, which was getting collected.

I grabbed a few quick photos before it left the shed for good. I would love an S13, this example would be high on the list.

Good times, surrounded by amazing cars and funny characters. What more could you ask for.