The Trueno has working headlights! - Juiceboxforyou

The Trueno has working headlights!

I’ve been slacking lately, updating this side of Juicebox with articles. Years ago, it used the website, everything was about getting an excellent piece up with photos, and I enjoyed that pace. Lately, I feel like im playing catchup on youtube and Instagram trying to keep the algorithms happy. It’s weird being so far behind with the videos, too. I have to make sure im releasing the content that matches the episodes’ dates.

Since July, the weather has been good. It was hard to sit inside and find time to make it happen. Hopefully, over the winter months, I can double down on the content, as there are considerable gaps in the backlog due to japan in a van and other bits.

Regardless, here are some photos from when we fitted the headlights to the car. In the space of a day, it went from having no face to having a nice set of working retractable headlight brackets and brand new Raybrig lights and bulbs. This weekend was another huge milestone for the build in my eyes. Seeing working lights and giving the car its Trueno front end, things started to feel like we were on the downward slope with the build, heading towards the finish line.

Having these shots to look back on is excellent, as images are slowly phased out on various platforms. I’ll always be a sucker for a photo. It is nice to sit and take in the details at your own pace and appreciate the feel of a picture. Sometimes video just can’t offer the same thing.

1 Comment
  • Cormac says:

    Got a bit steamy seeing them lights coming to life, can’t imagine the mood in the shed. Definitely a huge part of the soul of the car back to life